• Finding the Perfect Cloud Professionals: From Azure to AWS

    3 months ago

    In today's tech-driven business environment, 78% of executives in a PwC survey disclosed that their companies have fully embraced cloud computing across various aspects of their operations. This highlights the increasing reliance on cloud technology in today's businesses as they strive for innovation and operational efficiency.Within this shift towards cloud-centric operatio...

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  • Discover Technology Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Insights

    5 months ago

    Phaidon International's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report Examines the Perceptions of DE&I in Technology.As an award-winning technology talent partner under the Phaidon International brand, clients often ask us how to improve Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) in their workplace so they can attract, hire, and retain top talent with diverse experiences and viewpoints.  T...

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  • The Rising Tide of Contract Salesforce Recruitment in Europe

    8 months ago

    In the swiftly evolving business landscape, Salesforce has emerged as a cornerstone for customer relationship management, driving companies towards digital innovation and customer-centric strategies. This dynamic has significantly spurred the growth of contract Salesforce placements across Europe, creating a pulsating demand for specialized talent that can navigate the compl...

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  • Challenges & Opportunities in Recruitment - the Salesforce Commerce Cloud Market

    10 months ago

    "The Salesforce Cloud Commerce market in Europe has been steadily picking up over the last few months. Companies are now looking for headless and composable experts to support them with their upgrade projects going into 2024," says Seb Kabanje, Senior Vice President at Glocomms.Over the last few years, the e-commerce space has boomed and is continuing to grow. Seb Kabanje...

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  • Navigating the Future: The Untapped Potential of Tech Freelancers

    11 months ago

    In a constantly evolving global tech landscape, the way we work and the nature of our roles are being reshaped. Notably, in the midst of significant upheavals in the corporate sector, a silver lining has emerged for tech professionals – the growing demand for contractor/freelance positions.A Corporate ShiftThe corporate space, a traditionally stable pillar of the job market,...

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  • Tech in Marketing: Is Einstein GPT the Game-Changer?

    11 months ago

    In the ever-evolving realm of technology, Salesforce has consistently stood out as a pioneering force, driving innovation and refining business processes across industries. Jordan Spearman, Principal Consultant at Glocomms, delves into one of the platform’s recent integrations that has the tech world buzzing: Einstein GPT with the Marketing Cloud.Einstein GPT: Beyond the Hyp...

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    Marketing Cloud
  • Demand in Data: Exploring the talent challenges and opportunities in the data & tech industry

    about 1 year ago

    ​The global data analytics market is estimated to be valued at $41.5 billion in 2023 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 30.4% to $345.5 billion by 2028.The data industry has undoubtedly witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, driven by the rapid advancement of technologies and an escalating demand for data-driven insights. As this market continues to expe...

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  • Hiring Cyber Security Talent

    about 1 year ago

    There are many verticals we specialize in here at Glocomms across the cyber security space, each with their own unique hiring trends. Here is a brief overview of some of the cyber security developments we are seeing across manufacturing, health technology, media & entertainment, and SaaS. ManufacturingCyber security is a fundamental challenge for any business leader, but man...

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    Hiring Cyber Security Talent
  • Cyber Security Talent Insights

    about 1 year ago

    ​​The cyber security market is predicted to grow to $266 billion by 2027, but with opportunity comes many risks, disruptions and challenges. With skilled business-critical cyber security professionals in high demand, companies must develop effective hiring solutions to capitalize on the market and protect their systems, networks, and data against cyber attacks and security...

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  • Hiring Metrics: Fast Track Your Talent Acquisition Process

    over 1 year ago

    Across all sectors, many organizations are struggling to acquire the talent they need for business-critical roles, one of the main reasons being long hiring processes. Paul Norman, Managing Director of Glocomms, shared strategies to help employers and job seekers alike increase the speed of talent acquisition and track important metrics.The need for speedIt is essential to h...

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  • How To Avoid Bias In Job Descriptions

    over 1 year ago

    ​​There is overwhelming evidence that companies with diverse workforces perform better on every possible metric, with diversity positively impacting every level of a business, from the cleaning staff to the board of directors. ​Bringing in as many perspectives, working styles and experiences as possible to a workplace leads to integration, success and growth to those busines...

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  • How to win business-critical sales talent by cutting your recruitment time

    over 2 years ago

    Would you wait a month and a half to hear back about a dream job? After analysing 400,000 confirmed hires on its platform last summer, LinkedIn revealed that the average hiring process takes 38 days for sales roles and a whopping 44 days for IT. As if these figures weren’t concerning enough, the current hiring landscape certainly is. Business-critical roles have skyrocketed...

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  • Top Career Trends Shaping The European Tech Industry

    over 2 years ago

    ​By the industry, for the industry - The top career trends shaping technology across Europe.Interested in how to attract, retain and promote top tech talent? Or keen to find out as a tech professional where your colleagues are relocating to?We asked 100 professionals their thoughts on relocation, growth, and mobility, as well as compensation and flexible working, to best und...

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  • The Virtual Recruitment Landscape: Reset and Reboot

    about 3 years ago

    ​The historical events of the past year made most firms pivot and re-evaluate their talent acquisition processes. Despite the resetting of traditional workplace rules, on the back of many businesses continuing to limit travel and in-person collaboration, what can be said for the virtual recruitment landscape then? ​At Glocomms, a subsidiary brand of the Phaidon Internationa...

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  • Five Ways to Avoid a Talent Exodus

    about 3 years ago

    ​​Nobody yet knows what the legacy of COVID-19 will be. HR and recruitment experts are increasingly concerned businesses which do survive this period will face a further crisis in the shape of talent acquisition and retention in ‘the new normal’.​Anxiety about the workforce is not new: a recent PWC study found 80% of CEOs are either extremely or somewhat concerned about thei...

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  • UK Black History Month

    over 3 years ago

    ​​Black History Month is recognised and celebrated in the UK during the month of October. Different to the US and parts of Europe, which takes place during February each year, this month recognises the contribution of Black people to the history and makeup of the UK, and celebrating their achievements and successes. When and why Black History Month is celebratedThe UK Bl...

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    Full Black Blog
  • Leading from the Front: How Tech Companies are Securing Talent

    over 4 years ago

    ​The continued Covid-19 pandemic has ushered in the largest working-from-home population in human history alongside a period of great economic uncertainty. In this time of uncertainty, the technology sector has the opportunity to lead the way and create solutions for businesses, individuals and governments involved in this unprecedented situation. It will need to retain and ...

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    Glo Blog
  • Bridging Social Distance with Tech: How to virtually onboard a new employee

    over 4 years ago by Lara Edgcombe

    Hiring managers, with around 20 million people now working from home in the UK many companies are facing the prospect of having to onboard new employees from the comfort of their own home. However, this comes with its own unique set of issues such as; ensuring your new employee have the tools and guidance in order to understand their role and perform.We have put together thi...

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  • Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interview

    over 4 years ago by Lara Edgcombe

    The hiring process in the UK has changed dramatically for many companies due to the Covid-19 epidemic. While somecompanies in the tech sector are slowing down their hiring process,  for others, the demand for business-critical talent remains as strong as ever.Although this is trying times, the availability of technology enables businesses to continue hiring processes virtual...

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    Video Interview
  • How to Reject a Candidate and Gain a Brand Advocate

    over 4 years ago by

    ​When recruiting within the busy UK technology sector, it is likely you are fielding a wide range of talented candidates, and unfortunately not all of them can win the role you’re advertising. You will need to reject candidates at each stage of your recruitment process as you narrow down to your next employee.From a candidate’s point of view, nothing is worse than taking the...

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    Glo How To Reject A Candidate And Gain A Brand Advocate